
Need inspiration for trips in Jefferson City? Looking to see historic attractions, explore our food scene, take in a play, or shop until you drop?  Take a look at our blog to get an insider look at all JCMO has to offer. Discover what makes our city unforgettable! 

A Perfectly JCMO Halloween

It’s time to get spooooky and there are many fun events this week in JCMO! Gather the kids in their best kooky costumes and snag their largest candy buckets for a hauntingly good time this Halloween. Costumes are encouraged for all events! Know of events not mentioned below? Let us know! First…

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National Travel & Tourism Week: The Halo Effect

If you build a place people want to visit, You’ll build a place where people want to live. If you build a place people want to live, You’ll build a place where people want to work. If you build a place where people want to work, You’ll build a place where business needs to be. If you build a place…

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The Marmaduke House: A History

Sitting atop the hill at the corner of Lafayette and Capitol Avenue, the Colonel Darwin W. Marmaduke House is home to the Jefferson City Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Missouri State Penitentiary Museum. But aside from welcoming visitors, the walls of the mansion hold a vast history, serving…

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A Hot Cup of Joe: The Cheery Side of Prison Life

Is there a cheerier side to life behind bars? Former maintenance staff member Larry Neal thinks so. As a longtime employee of the former Missouri State Penitentiary, Larry witnessed plenty of grim and gruesome occurrences. However, he prefers to focus on the more lighthearted encounters he…

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