Expect delays on U.S. Route 54 this summer. Click for more info!

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Located in the center of the state, traveling here is a breeze whether on a set of wheels or riding the rails. Wherever your journey begins, let us help guide you to your destination.


Location Miles
Springfield, IL 160
Lawrence, KS 167
Topeka, KS 191
Jonesboro, AR 207
Iowa City, IA 216
Des Moines, IA 221
Champaign, IL 235
Ames, IA 250
Evansville, IN 255
Tulsa, OK 265
Little Rock, AR 266
Memphis, TN 268
Jackson, TN 275
Omaha, NE 275
Wichita, KS 287
Peoria, IL 293
Paducah, KY 307
Bloomington, IN 308
Chicago, IL 328
Indianapolis, IN 334
Nashville, TN 340
Madison, WI 344
Louisville, KY 350