Expect delays on U.S. Route 54 this summer. Click for more info!

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Need inspiration for trips in Jefferson City? Looking to see historic attractions, explore our food scene, take in a play, or shop until you drop?  Take a look at our blog to get an insider look at all JCMO has to offer. Discover what makes our city unforgettable! 

Historic Figures: Harry Snodgrass, "King of the Ivories"

Early in the penitentiary system, reform advocates operated on the theory that with the right training and programs, individuals could become productive members of society despite their crimes. Reflection was the original method of choice, as officials believed it would lead to creating remorse…

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Historic Figures: Kate Richards O'Hare

“I am dangerous to the invisible government of the United States; I am dangerous to the special privileges of the United States; … I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country, who rob the people on the one hand and rob and degrade the government on the other;……

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