
Need inspiration for trips in Jefferson City? Looking to see historic attractions, explore our food scene, take in a play, or shop until you drop?  Take a look at our blog to get an insider look at all JCMO has to offer. Discover what makes our city unforgettable! 

Inside the Walls: Recreation at the Missouri State Penitentiary

Located in the lower lot of the Missouri State Penitentiary (MSP) sits an overgrown pavilion, overlooking a parking lot filled with the state vehicle fleet. Look closer, and you will see remnants of rusting gym equipment and a basketball court which, together with the pavilion that once served as…

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Historic Figures: Kate Richards O'Hare

“I am dangerous to the invisible government of the United States; I am dangerous to the special privileges of the United States; … I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country, who rob the people on the one hand and rob and degrade the government on the other;……

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